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Part 1
1} Of the following, which is your preferred activity?

    a.hang with friends

    b. spend time with family

    c. be alone


2} You're forced to wait at the dentists office what do you do with your time?

     a. start studying for next weeks exam

     b. admire your self in the closest mirror

     c. stare at the walls


3} You friend was supposed to show up hours ago but is no where to be found, what do you do?
    a. call another friend

    b. call and make sure everythings alright

    c. go to my room and cry


4}  You arrive at a fork in the road which direction do you take?

    a. Take safest route

    b. Take the path less traveled

    c. turn around and go back


5}  You find yourself at the mall with a half an hour to kill. What are you most likely to do?

a.hit the newsstand and get some reading done

b. Just enough time for a manicure

c.food court

6} When deciding what to wear, what do you do?

a. prepare my outfit the night before

b. look in my closet when i get out of bed

c. my mom still picks out my clothes

7} You arrive at the multiplex {movies} and find out the movie you want to see is sold out. What do you do?

a. see a different movie

b. go for ice cream

c. hit the mall

8} You are about to embark on a journey that will utterly change your life. What snacks would you bring?

a. Nothing, I'm sure ther will be resteraunts.

b. fruit and protein bars

c. Nachos with EXTRA cheese

9} What type of entrance do you make at parties?

a.Dramatic. If I'm not seen, I'll make a scene.

b. I casually look around for someone I know.

c. keep to myself and wait for someone to talk to me

10} If you could meet a historical figure, whom would you choose?

a. Joan of Arc, a true teen leader

b. 50 Cent, without a question

c. Santa Claus, That guy is cool.


Part 2
1} favorite way for a movie to start
a. with lots of explosions
b . two completely opposite people switch bodies
c. with a cool  handheld camera move
2} How do you get to school?
a. on foot
b. skateboard
c. I get dropped off
3} Best location for a movie?
a. a faraway place with lots of international intrigue
b. college campus
c. anywhere the story takes you
4} what do you spend most of your time doing?
a. Playing sports
b. reading or writing
c. watching TV or day dreaming
5} Whats your idea of a dream vacation?
a. the mountains for some serious snowboarding.
b. a beach resort, nothing beats sand and sun
c. A big city. I love Urban jungles.
6} Which color do you wear most often?
a. Black
b. Red
c. Blue
7}  You and your friend are headed out for an afternoon of fun. What do you do?
a. go to a clothing store and try on ridiculous outfits.
b. Go mountain bike riding
c. hit the library
8} what would your dream job be?
a. Journalist
b. Pro Athlete
c. Rap, pop, rock, or R&B star
9}  What does your afterschool schedule look like?
a. hang out with friends, do homework, watch TV
b. school sport practice, do homework, go online
c. do homework, eat dinner, do more homework
10} Which class is your favorite?
a. Art
b. P.E.
c. Science

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We go around & investegate
and get home before dinner
is on our plate!